& wisdom.

Our Transparent System

We believe that you are looking for answers and trusted professionals who have the experience, knowledge, and understanding to bring resolution to challenging issues. We believe that open communication and transparency are critical toward building that trust. To assist in your needs, our team is committed to providing a full disclosure of care in a safe and secure environment.


Life Management

Life Care Management goes beyond care management by taking a holistic approach to a person’s life situation. We know health makes up only part of an individual’s overall well-being and we understand that personal happiness, living conditions, and finances all contribute to their quality of life. That is why our comprehensive life care management considers every aspect of a person’s life, empowering families and individuals to make informed decisions, for both the short-term and long-term care.

Help create a safe environment to age in place

Identify appropriate living arrangements and provide a clear understanding of living options

Coordinate and assist in transitioning to a new living environment when necessary

Coordinate home modifications and repairs with on-site quality assurance of vendors

Oversee the delivery of care and life-enrichment practices to ensure the best quality of life and the highest level of independence possible

Serve as an objective third party immune to pressures of internal family conflict

Coordinate the purchase of supportive equipment and technology when needed

Protect the safety and rights of the individual and ensure their needs are met with respect and dignity

Simple Bill Pay

Cash Flow Management

Predatory behavior mitigation and prevention

Predatory Issues: A significant concern when assisting seniors or the disabled is the problem of predatory risks. These risks take the form of physical, psychological, or monetary manipulation. Threats may occur by a family member or friend, or from individuals who prey on the weak and vulnerable. Circle Dove Enterprises, with the help of our care team professionals, often identify the presence of predatory behavior and act quickly to protect our client’s best interests effectively

Help individuals understand and access their insurance benefits, and if applicable, their government benefits

Identify cost effective resources and help individuals qualify for assistance programs, and mitigate the risk of financial abuse

The Circle Dove team is also trained and certified to provide the following services when needed:

Representative Payee

Power of Attorney (POA)

Medical POA

Review and manage advance directives


At times, the elderly or disabled individual may no longer possess the ability to care for themselves and need a guardian to guide, protect, and advocate for them. The Circle Dove Enterprise Guardianship Program steps into this role for people who the Texas County Probate Courts have determined are incapacitated due to age or mental and physical disabilities. Our specially trained case managers help clients maintain the highest degree of dignity, respect, and independence while protecting them from abuse, neglect, and exploitation

Case managers organize and oversee:
  • Medical care
  • Daily needs (purchase of clothing, shoes, hygiene care, etc.)
  • Housing
  • Property
  • Finances
  • Funerals (when necessary)

Guardianship services are often a long-term commitment and continue until the client improves to the point they are fully capable of maintaining their own affairs, the court finds a successor guardian such as family or friends, or until the client passes away. Under the direction of the court, the Circle Dove Enterprise Program may act as any of the following:

  • Court Appointed Guardian
  • Of the Person
  • Of the Estate
  • Of the Person/Estate
  • Dependent and Independent Administrator of the Estate

Medical Advocacy

The Circle Dove care team evaluates every medical, environmental, and psychosocial aspect of a person’s life to determine how these elements affect each other. We integrate these elements to ensure our comprehensive plan provides a more balanced, enriched, and fulfilled life for our clients within their individual capabilities. This approach is useful across all ages, genders, races, cultures, and lifestyles, and has consistently proven to change the course of a person’s overall quality of life.

Our advocacy is successful in working with those whose issues are immediate and critical, as well as those with lifelong challenges. To augment and enhance support, we also provide ongoing quality assurance through regular client visits, and open communication with service providers, facility staff and caregivers, and family members. Oversight of care — either in the home or in a facility — ensures delivery of all the services our client needs, and maintains a living environment that our client expects and deserves.

Areas of medical advocacy are specific to each client; however those often include

Medical Oversight

Crisis Professionals

Medication Analysis

Care Giver Referrals and Oversight

Chronic Illness Management

Medical Power of Attorney (POA)

Review and management of advance directives

Court Appointed Guardian of Person and/or Estate

Mental Illness

Mental illness is finally being recognized by our society as a serious, debilitating medical condition. Often, mental illness prohibits the individual from becoming a contributing member of society, and can potentially harm every single aspect of a person’s life. Our goal at Circle Dove has always been to understand the client’s needs, obtain the best possible care, educate families, and alter living arrangements when necessary to provide the client with the best opportunity for personal success and level of independence. Within this process, honoring the value of the individual and considering their best interests are consistently an essential part.

Among the conditions our professionals address are:

Bipolar Disorder



Autism/Asperger Syndrome


Substance Abuse (Chemical/Alcoholism)

PTSD(Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Physical Disabilities

Physical limitations obtained either from birth or by accident are not only a visible sign of challenges but the basis of misunderstanding and prejudice for every person who must deal with this type of disability. For those who love or try to help, the frustration of not knowing where to begin occurs nearly every day. Circle Dove can help families and professionals identify specific needs, and successfully streamline and coordinate services and resources to achieve successful outcomes.

Intellectually Disabled Individuals

Intellectually disabled individuals often begin their journey from birth, a journey that may continue to be a long and difficult one for their parents and families as well. In these cases, Circle Dove goes beyond “quarterbacking” the medical aspects for the client to include advocating for our client to maximize services within the school and vocational programs. Accessing all available public programs and resources is an integral part of this process and provides all parties the information needed to create the most life-affirming choices for the client.

Assisting Those in Need

Many of our clients are challenged in some aspects of their life, while very capable in others. Circle Dove does a thorough needs assessment, develops a strategic plan, and assists in helping them live as an enriched, fulfilled, and independent life as possible. Using trusted service providers and professionals, we coordinate needed home modifications, accessible home building, life enrichment practices, vocational and educational resources, and purchases of supportive equipment and technology.
Contact Us:
 208 Wisteria Drive San Antonio, TX 78213
D: 210.686.1560 · T: 877.901.7272 · F: 210.451.4925
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